wireless router not so wireless

    Date: 03/27/08 (Computer Help)    Keywords: security

    I have a basic dlink wireless router. connected to it wired I have a PC and a 360, wireless is another 360. I had the router configured originally when I had no PC. Now I just got one 2 weeks ago. My husband and I were not playing xbox at the same time until 2 days ago. now, wireless xbox, was lagging badly, kicked me offline. (btw, I never have my pc on when I game) Then I tried to get back online and was repeatedly testing the connection, sometimes showing a wireless connect w/ an IP or ICMP fail and mostly just showing no wireless connect. Then miraculously, it connects and I play just fine for about 2 hours. Next night, lag is worse, kicks me and I can't get back online. I called DLink, they said it was my xbox. Called XBOX, they said it was my router. My xbox did work when I moved it and had it wired to the modem. They had me change so many letters numbers and codes between the 2 tech support calls I just said screw it and put everything back to factory settings, Both XBOXs and reset the router. I have power cycled a hundred times, everything at once even. Now, the pc and wired xbox are fine. Wireless xbox still not recognizing any connection. But it shows my wireless network having a signal in the settings menu. I have also typed in my security key and everything. I had a friend tell me to pull my IP address from my PC and input to wireless xbox, still saying wireless network : not connected.

    I have considered just buying a new router upgrading a bit and starting from scratch. Any router suggestions would be great. If you can just fix this that would be awesome too.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/873814.html

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