Trojan banana
Date: 02/20/09
(Computer Help) Keywords: virus, antivirus
Hi guys and gals,
I yet again default to your wisdom, this time for something heavy duty. I have what I assume is a Trojan. I tried on the laptop yesterday and was greeted with a desktop that said I was infected, a new admin user, no internet connectivity and no ability to run any of the malware or antivirus programs (they will not run when double clicked). When I try to control alt delete it tells me the function was restricted by the admin. When I switch to the new admin user (even in safe mode) it lags during boot and will not bring up any programs. I can control alt delete in admin, but when I try to run anything from this menu, it cannot connect to the enternet nor will it bring up any programs.
One possible solution is that a friend has malwarebyters on a flashdrive. Anyway I can get my laptop to boot from the flashdrive to solve the issue?? I really do not want to pay 200.00 to geek squad for this. :(
Thanks for any help!!!