F: Drive F:in Exploded

    Date: 04/27/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    So my primary slave drive (F:) worked well for about 6 mos of having my new computer, then i noticed it started to make weird whirring and clicking noises. So i figgured that the shit was going bad, backed up everything on my other hard drive and swapped them out, and when that new one got in my computer it totally freaked out and wouldnt recognize the drive or start up...

    So i changed the ribbon... Nothng... Same shit was happening...

    So i disconnected that drive and am waiting for someone to give me any ideas for anything about this shit... The first F: and the second are both WDC (western digital) 30 gig i also have two more hard drives in the machine that are working very well...

    Now i'm completely without all of my programs, since i had them all on my f: drive...

    Any ideas?


    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/385126.html

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