Help Me! Please!

    Date: 05/06/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web, spyware, google

    OK, now a few months back, this site started popping up for no reason, no matter what. It pissed me off so I ran adware and spyware checks and cleaned everything out. But it still din't stop. It kept popping. So then just recently I decided to search for the name of the website on google. Turns out it's a big "hijacking" thing and there's a way to remove it. It's called sgrunt. The point is, the help that was offered and the solutions were very confusing and it was pretty much for the computer literate, which I'm not. So if anyone knows about this and can help me in a simple way, please please. This is becoming very annoying and distrubing and...I just hate it.

    Again, it's called sgrunt. So if anyone can help me. Please do!


« HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1... || CD Madness!!! »

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