Date: 05/25/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Please can somebody help!

    My landlady's PC died (1.7GHz Celeron, generic Intel mobo), the hard drive gave up so I said I could fix it.........

    It wouldn't boot from CD (yes, I changed the BIOS settings and it still wouldn't) so I made a set of XP boot disks. These worked fine, allowing the computer to read the CD.

    But! When it had finished formatting the new hard drive (in NTFS naturally) it asked me for the XP CD. I put in (again - I had to humour it!) and it just kept asking for the bloody CD!

    If anybody can tell me how I can get around this and install XP I would be a very happy bunny. I said I could fix it and I don't wanna look stupid. You don't want me to look stupid now do you!

    Do you?!


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