Computer restarting on its own

    Date: 06/03/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: virus, spyware

    This has been driving me crazy. Since I got a new modem (er, not sure what it's called, but I suppose I could find out - it's a modem that we run both the cable internet and digital phone through) my computer has been restarting on its own. At first it was doing this when I was downloading things (usually, if they're big files, or too many files at once), but now it'll do it just when clicking on a page - not always, but it's clear when it does that it's a direct result of the clicking. It can be a page on LJ or something like that, nothing that'll give me a virus or anything.

    Nonetheless, I do have a virus scanner, and it scans everyday. It also updates itself automatically, so I doubt there's a virus going on. I also scan for spyware every once in a while, and it hasn't helped at all. I'm running XP Pro, and using Firefox, WinMX, BitTorrent (not anymore, actually, but it did it when I was using BT before) - but it's not related to that since I was using that stuff before the new modem.

    Should I see if the cable company will replace the modem, or is there a simpler solution?


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