Date: 06/12/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I have a laptop from Gateway, with home edition of windows XP on it. Gateway went bankrupt so I can't call them for support, and I can't call Windows support without being charged $35. So maybe someone else can figure this out.

    I know on my Desktop that I got from walmart, there is a button on the moniter that lets me do all sorts of things to the screen. de-magnitize it, make it longer, shorter, wahtever. Well I was away, my cats must have stepped on a button on my laptop because when I came back, the computer was on the black screen (which it does sometimes) and when I touched the pad, the screensaver showed up frozen. I turned off the computer, let it cool off, (morons put the fan on the bottom of the laptop so it overheats easily) restarted it and everything went smoothly. the screens were going, the usual little windows logo with a loading sign, blah blah checking discs, then when it said "loging on" my screen rotated counter clockwise! the top of my windows are now on the left side, and my pad responds to up down left right in a counter clockwise way too. I don't want to keep my head tilted left to look at everything. someone please, HELP!


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