Dial-Up Problem

    Date: 06/15/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    My main problem is behind the first lj-cut since it's kinda long. And behind the second lj-cut is just a showing of how terrible my laptop is.

    About a week or 2 ago, we had a thunder storm. I was online at the time and suddenly I got kicked off. I tried to get back on but it never went through. I tried again later and it worked but all of a sudden, my connection got EXTREMELY SLOW. It has been like this since.

    For example, the speed of downloads before this happened was about 5 KBs per second. Now after this happened, they dropped down to about 700-800 bytes per second.

    Absolutely no sites load as fast as they did (it was never that fast to begin with but they actually loaded in a minute or so. Now, every site that took a minute or so to load, now takes about an hour to load (kinda over-exaggerating that but you get the point). The only site that loads somewhat normal is LJ. It took some time to just to load this community due to some of the screen caps.

    I have no clue what happened. Was it the fact that it started happening when I got kicked off during a storm?

    I've tried EVERYTHING to fix it. I waited HOURS for the NetZero help sites to load to find anything. Absolutely nothing worked. I upgraded NetZero which took an hour to download despite it should've taken a few minutes. I re-installed that THOUSANDS of times. I tried different access numbers. Nothing works. And I'm not contacting the NetZero support team because I've heard that their support is terrible.

    Anyone have any ideas of what I should do? Help PLEASE!

    Just to give you all an idea of how horrible my laptop is:

    -Windows 98
    -AuthenticAMD AMD-K6(tm) 3D processor
    -32MB RAM
    -NeoMagic MagicGraph128XD
    -Compaq Presario 56K-DF modem
    -2.00 GB hard drive

    and so on...this thing is just scary...

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/418973.html

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