'new' OS?

    Date: 06/26/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    currently i have an illegal version of WinXP on my computer (my mom's boyfriend did it for me, ugh)

    i want to put a legit copy of WinXP Media Version (i could be wrong on the name of it, but it's similar to that) but i don't want to lose all my info, and programs and stuff...

    is it possible to install the legit version of WinXP, over the not-legit version, without losing everything? or would i HAVE to back everything up? i know it's a good idea to anyway, but i'm trying to figure the SIMPLEST thing.

    i'd really rather not need to, and if possible, just installing one over the other would make my life easier.

    :) thanks!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/430822.html

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