And the problems continue..

    Date: 07/02/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser, virus, web

    First i'd like to again thank warsawpact & mojo_iv, for helping me with the update problem, but i have a couple other problems, because my computer's a peice of something vulgur..

    1. Does anyone know a good, free virus protecter i can downloaded, that works?
    2. MSN, and my web browsers (Firefox & IE) keep freezing, like on almost everything i do, but AIM is fine, i don't understand it's never done this before, and it's caused me to reboot (reformat) my computer a couple times, but it's still doing this (like i said it's never done this before)
    3. Every time something, freezes or i open a floder then close it, my 'Start' button and tool bar freeze, i don't mind it every now and then because of (Alt+Tab) but when i comes to restart (or shutoff) the computer, or when need something in my 'Start' menu i can't get to it because it's frozen.

    I'm desprate, i'll try anything, it NEVER used to do this before until i rebooted (reformated) it, but i had to do that, please help. Thanks guys.


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