Random Reactivation.

    Date: 07/06/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    This was my original post in May, and the problem just exploded afterwards.

    In the last week of May, I was starting a job, and on the first day, I got up early to check my email, and my computer started up with the CMOS message again, but it's done that for a while, my brother said it was that the battery to my motherboard died. But after DOS was done doing its thing, I get the big XP Welcome window, and then a window pops up and asks me to reactivate my copy of XP. I figured that I'd need the disc [but didn't ><] so I haven't gotten around to it until earlier today when my brother came back around to fix it.

    Now I'm afraid that if I turn my computer off, I'll have to keep reactivating every time I start up. Will that keep happening? And if so, is there any way I can fix it? My dad was supposed to help me get another computer next week, but he put it off for the next month, so this old piece of crap is all I can work with until then.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/438546.html

« FTP Problem in Windows XP || ??? »

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