IBM Thinkpad going crazy

    Date: 07/12/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I have a problem with my IBM Thinkpad laptop. Everything was going fine until my trackpoint, the little red 'eraser' pointer began going nuts. It shoots erratically to the corners of the screen where I can't see it, sometimes moves on its own, and sometimes won't respond at all. Well after asking around I tried to disable it and switch to a external mouse for a while. But when I disabled the trackpoint, it told me I had to restart for the changes to take effect. So I restarted. But NOW when I start my laptop, there is this error 8611. It refuses to let me use the computer, so I have to restart over and over again countless times to get to the desktop. Can anyone tell me what to do? Something is seriously wrong, and I can't use the laptop normally anymore.

    I have:
    -IBM Thinkpad 600E
    -Machine type/model: 2645-8AU
    -BIOS version: INET35WW
    -Operating system: Windows 98 SE
    -Operating system version: 4.10
    -Total memory: 192 MB
    -Error 8611 is what keeps appearing

    Anyway, any help at all is greatly appreciated, whether directing me to a more appropriate place for help or taking a shot at my problem. Ask me any questions that may help you find a solution.


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