Tech advice for the mother of God

    Date: 07/14/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: software

    Here we go again: :)

    Say, a while ago this girl fucked a computer (again, to her cousin, not her uncle. HER, as in NOT ME)trying to download the movie BLACK HAWK DAWN. Because of the historical value of it of course.

    So, yes she feels guilty but she also is strangely giggly about the entire affair because after the trojan DomCom (and I did fixed the thing thanks to this comm, so thank you) How much bad luck can you get in one week right? Right.

    Dear God, Springer and Oprah, that question was rhetorical ok.

    Anyway. This girl does have Black Hawk Down in the computer. Great image but audio is off, as in non existent because I need the 3ivx codec, and the 3ivx codec is out of the question because she forgot or rather doesn’t know how to properly cut the movie (1.37 GB) with the blah blah blah. Etc. She doesn´t care, she wants to keep the movie, please, please, you have no idea how much.
    Maybe you do :)

    My question is, in behalf of this girl of course: ¿How in hell can I save this movie because I need to do all the reformatting disk right about now and my friend is saying something about a recompense and seriously you can stop smirking now?

    I meant her. Her. How can SHE do this. Because it was her, not me.
    Never me. :)

    Pretty please, I am begging you all. Zip doesn’t work. Winrar doesn’t work. Cursing the hell out of it doesn’t work. Neither does porn offers. So:

    HELP ME HER!!!

    Software alternatives to ZIP, WINRAR, etc. Other tricks, types of contracts with Satan, anything you can point me out, please do.


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