
    Date: 07/17/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hey everyone,

    Not too long ago I made a post asking for help on a dying computer and how to save certain things. Everyone gave good advice, my mother and I read over it and decided we should do some of the things suggested.

    Ironically, the computer stopped acting up, and it went back to acting fine, so we decided to leave it alone until the new computer came. The day the computer came, the old one died.

    We brought it to firemen that deals with computers on the side. He set up our new one, and then brought the old one to his house. He said the hard drive gave out. He is now going to “try something” that is going to take him a week or so. Does anyone have any idea what he could possibly do? If you know, how well of a chance does it have of actually working?

    I’m pretty much over the music and documents, but it’s the pictures that kill me. I took so many pictures at so many important occasions, and now they’re gone.

    What kills me the most is, my family knew the computer was dying, and we knew we should have done something, but then it suddenly acted normal again, and we let it slide. :(


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