Date: 07/27/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    My computer has been annoying me forever.

    Active X would never work on it. I just went through the process of enabling it, but there are still problems. Hotmail will not open on internet explorer, so I used to use Mozilla Firefox. Now, on IE, it says that I have to enable cookies, but I also went through the process of enabling cookies and, once again, it still does not work. As well, now when I try to access hotmail or gmail from mozilla, it says I have disabled SSL. I went through the process of enabling it and, yes, once again, it still did not work.

    There's something fishy going on. Here it says to change it to Custom, where you can change each setting separately, but I can't click on the "Custom Level" button, like the letters are grey, not black, and it's not sticking out.

    I really have no idea what to do and I hope someone understands what the hell I'm talking about. I want to check my e-mail, dammit! I have a feeling all these problems are intertwined.


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