Just how worried should I be...

    Date: 08/01/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    My comp's been making a bit of noise recently, did sound like it was prolly a fan but hadn't noticed before and thought maybe I was just noticing it more recently... well now it's making a louder noise so I downloaded a program to check fam speeds from in windows and it tells me temps too. Not sure what the original fan speeds were though nor which is for the one on the cpu and which is for the one I bought myself and put on the case... any clue which is which with the following info or how vital it is I replace one/both and/or do something else?

    OS - Windows XP Pro
    CPU - AMD Athlon XP 2200+ 1.81 ghz
    Ram - 1 gig

    Cpu usage keeps hovering round 3-10% only.
    Fan 1 - 4327rpm
    Fan 2 - 2813 rpm
    Temp 1 47c
    temp 2 - -55c
    temp 3 - -55c [this and temp 2 don't fluctuate so thinking they just don't work for showing anything on my system]
    local temp - 57c
    remote temp - 52c
    hd0 - 55c
    hd1 - 59c

    vcore1 - 1.70v
    vcore2 - 1.33v
    +3.3v - 3.3v
    +5v - 4.89v
    +12v - 13.06v
    -12v - -5.61v
    -5v - -3.25v
    +5v - 4.87v
    vbat - 0.00v

    I am turning the comp off whilst not using it now of course, not dumb after all but should i be running out on tues and buying a new fan? I'm 99% certain it's one or both fans, though a hard drive can make noise... constant noise with that little cpu usage?

    comments? thoughts?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/455388.html

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