MP3 files now downloading as movies?

    Date: 08/07/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    I recently downloaded an updated version of Windows media player. I don't remember exactly why, because I never use it, but ever since then, my PC seems to think it's funny to download MP3's as movie clips. Now, it works just fine for me to download an MP4 from iTunes, but when trying to download any MP3 from any website, I double check to make sure that it has an mp3 extension, download, and then nothing will open the file. It gives it an mpeg extension automatically. It saves as Windows media player as being the default system to open it with, so I'm pretty sure that's the problem, but I can't figure out what to do about it. Has anyone ever seen this? Can you tell me a way to fix it? :) Thanks!


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