2 computers + 1 modem + 1 router = internet connection?

    Date: 08/15/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    I need help hooking up my two computers to my DSL.

    I'm using Verizon DSL with a Westell 2200 modem (if that helps), and I got one computer hooked up to my modem and my router (Linksys Wireless-G, 2.4 GHz). Well, now that I have this one computer hooked up properly (obviously, or I wouldn't be typing to you right now, lol), how do I hook up the other so it gets internet access??

    Does it hook up to my router? Do I need a super long ethernet cable or something? My other computer is like three rooms away. I don't think I can do that... So how can I do it wireless? Do I need some kind of adapter for my router or for my second computer?

    The instructions only showed me how to hook up one computer to this router, not two. So please help me. I'm beyond clueless. :/

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/464868.html

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