can't burn cds

    Date: 08/21/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi guys. I'm getting this error message:

    I'm trying to move files to my dvd drive so I can burn them off. My hard drive is getting full but it's not too full to burn something.

    I've tried all sorts of files, none will go to the dvd drive. I've even tried files that I've burned before.

    I ran ad-aware and restarted my computer and that's about all I've done so far to try to fix it. I haven't been feeling very motivated lately.

    None of the files are being used in another program. The files aren't corrupted or anything. My dvd drive is still able to read dvds. I can move files from folder to folder.

    I'm running Windows XP on a Gateway 3522GZ.



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