Wireless Network

    Date: 08/29/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: technology

    Hey there guys. As the subject indicates, I have a Wireless Networking question.

    I live in a 2 bedroom apartment with the misses. The cable modem is in my room, and her computer is about 24 feet away. I installed a Netgear 108 Mbps Wireless Router in my room and 54 Mbps Wireless PCI Adapters in each PC. I am running Windows XP on a Compaq Presario, she is running Windows 98 on an EMachines.

    I am getting a strong steady connection (no surprise there, seeing as my wireless card is all of a foot away from the wireless router) of 54.0Mbps. As the crow flies, the connection has to go through 2 walls to get to her computer. She is getting a connection, but it is only between 11 and 48 Mbps. She apparently is not sustaining a strong enough connection because AIM and Internet Explorer aren't working.

    Now, the router box says that it has XR Technology that "Delivers extended range up to 400 feet." So why is she getting a weak signal 24 feet away? Is there anything I can do to strengthen the signal?

    Note: All the drivers are properly installed and stuff, there were no issues with Windows 98. There IS an internet connection, it's just to weak to do anything. Thanks for the help!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/477303.html

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