Missing vredir.vxd, dfs.vxd, msnp32.dll, and vnetsup.exe

    Date: 09/17/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Okay, this is my last question, I swear! Again, this is for my oldass IBM laptop.. Everytime I start my computer, i get errors that these four things are missing: Vredir.vxd, msnp32.dll, and dfs.vxd .. I kind of gathered that these three are related to a networking thing?? and then also: vnetsup.exe which I gathered is a trojan of some kind??

    So how can I fix it so that these things 1) aren't missing or 2) erase it completely so that they don't keep telling me they are missing? I do use networking between this laptop and my main computer, so I don't want to mess with the networking thing without any other advice first!!

    and how do i really erase vnetsup.exe? It's out of my registry and I can't find it on my computer.. ):

    Thanks for any help!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/488981.html

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