IE/Netscape + Desktop Icons

    Date: 10/17/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser

    I just downloaded the new Netscape onto my laptop because I have a site that I want to stay logged into on three (I have IE and Firefox already) accounts, and I just open whichever browser to do what I need to do on whichever account. But, the new Netscape is logging me into the account that I'm logged into on IE. I can't get it to stay logged into my other account. Do they share cookies or something? Is there some way to fix this so I can stay logged into both accounts?

    Also, my friend just got her computer worked on, and she said that when she got it back, all of her desktop icons (or all of her icons for that matter) were highlighted and underlined and she couldn't get it to go away. Anyone know how to fix this? =/

    Thanks in advance! =)


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