connecting optical drives
Date: 12/10/05
(Computer Help) Keywords: no keywords
Yesterday I decided I needed to fix the heatsink and put my CD-RW back into my computer (alongside the DVD-RW). So I unplugged things, fixed the heatsink, and plugged things back in perfectly (I believe) and connected the CD-RW.
Now, no matter what combination of CS/slave/master on each drive I select, at boot NO drives (not even the hard drive) can be found. It only works if I unplug both optical drives. And after this experimenting, neither optical drive works on its own.
Before I started doing this, I had the DVD-RW set on cable select on the secondary IDE cable.
Not only am I puzzled, I don't know how long I can manage without these drives. How do I get at least one of the drives to be recognised as a secondary master or slave?
Thanks in advance.
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