Date: 12/15/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Okay. So, right now I'm using a pretty old computer; and I dunno, maybe that could be the problem. But when I'm on the WWW image files such as bmp, jpg, and jpeg are seen with lines through them. Like so.

    Free Image Hosting at

    Now, the icon and mood theme don't have lines through them because they're png files.

    Every so often, certain images might not have lines through them, but I never know when that's gonna be, and it only lasts until the page is refreshed. It's not like the images save with lines through them (unless they're a bmp), but still. It's annoying. Does anyone know what the problem could be or if it can be fixed? Or even if you've just seen the problem before, could you just let me know? Thanks.


    Also! On another computer -not an ancient one- I'm currently having problems with it reading disks. They read them for a while, and now it just doesn't want to. And it makes a weird sound (kinda a skipping noise) when it tries to read them. And won't. I don't know. Maybe I screwed it up when the computer froze. Maybe it's the disks. Any suggestions?

    (This might get x-posted; sorry if it pops up on your flist a few times.)


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