Help please?

    Date: 01/06/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Computerish issues I have had today (please help, if you have any clue how to fix them!):

    1. I am trying to transfer a good chunk of my mp3s from my old computer to my laptop.
    Issue? I lack one of those cool insert-it-into-a-USB-port memory stick thingys. However, with about 200mb to transfer and a 56k connection, I could really use one (or another way to transfer such data quickly) right about now. Suggestions on how to do this quickly and easily? (I do have an ipod that I could potentially use, but I'm not sure how because I also want the songs on my laptop, which ipod wouldn't allow. Also, my CD burner is broken, which nixes that option.)

    2. I'm looking for an old essay I wrote on my old desktop. I, being the genius that I was, fastidiously hid all incriminating writing and files in a series of cleverly disguised folders. I also either renamed the file/can't remember what it was called in the damn first place, but can remember bits of text. Is there any way to efficiently search for this (by text or otherwise) in the windows find (or elsewhere?) so I can salvage my 10th grade brilliance? I tried today and came up with zilch in Windows 98.

    Help? Pretty please?


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