Tricky question

    Date: 01/29/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: browser, web

    I tried like heck to solve this one, so maybe you all can help.

    I'm trying to download a video stream from a website. I saved the entire webpage the video opened on, but the video was an asx, meaning it's a playlist that targets another video.

    Opening the asx in a text editor gets me an mms link that leads to the WMV file, but I have no idea how to download it. When I open it in a browser, it acts like the asx file; it opens Windows Media Player and opens the movie but I have no way to actually save it.

    I'm trying to download the actual WMV file to my hard drive, so I could edit the video on my computer, upload it to an FTP server, etc. Using Windows XP. More system specs if you need them.

    Please help!


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