format hard drive and reinstall windows?
Date: 02/04/06
(Computer Help) Keywords: yahoo
I posted this the middle of january, asking how to format my hard drive. But the only two people to help me couldn't/wouldn't/didn't have time to, give me the help I need on the level I can understand.
So, I ask again, but with slightly more knowledge this time.
My Dell Dimension that has had one hardware upgrade (new mother board and more memory?) is running Windows ME.
It got wormed this summer with what trendmicro calls Pe_Tenga.A.
I've finally figured out how to get all my files off, and have actually done it.
I want to format the hard drive and start fresh.
I have a Windows XP disk (full install I believe) to install, and I can get all the patches through work.
I tried booting straight from the CDROM with the new windows disk, but it wouldn't do it.
How do I format the hard drive? (I used to know, but its been a long time)
Can I just install Windows XP from there, or do I have to install something else first?
I'll be online (on my laptop) for a few more hours. If you'd care to help me, I'd really appreciate it.
yahoo: ash0979
AIM: crazypumpkin15
email: alissa. susanne @ gmail. com
cross posted in all of lj's computer support/help communities.