Choosing a new computer

    Date: 02/10/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: web

    I'm not v. savvy to all the computer spec jargon that helps fancy computer people choose their next computers. I'm planning to make the switch from a v. geriatric desktop PC to a laptop, and don't want to buy more computer than I need. That said, I do want a basic computer that will function for at least 3-5 years.

    All I need it for is:
    -music/DVD storage/playback/burning

    but I do want it to be able to easily multitask many applications at once, which my current dinosaur can't.

    Do you have any recommendations re: what specs I should look for, what brands are reliable, how much I should pay? (If you're Canadian can you tell me in CAN$?).

    Thanks in advance for your help!


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