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    Date: 02/22/05 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords


    This is my first time posting here, so I hope I don't get my head bitten off for one reason or another.

    Anyhow, I need a new router because the old one is outdated and isn't compatible with the new modem (which is a whole nother story) and know diddly about what makes a good router. Preferably somewhat affordable. The router is going to be used to connect my cable internet to a Sony Vaio laptop running on Windows XP Home (soon to be a homemade PC to take it's place, most likely to run on XP Home or Professional), a pieced together computer running on Windows XP Home as well, and an Xbox. Any input or recommendations are greatly appreciated. Thanks in advanced!

    I just got word that the new modem is compatible with the old router, the technician was just using the broken port on the router. With that said, I would still like to get a new router, preferably wireless. I'm sure exactly how wireless would work. Would I need to buy any additional pieces to plug into my computer(s)/Xbox? Sorry I'm so clueless about everything. Thanks in advance, once again.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computer_help/339207.html

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