Turn on Problem
Date: 02/28/06
(Computer Help) Keywords: no keywords
Im currently having problems on startup. The problem started when the OS froze. I then did a manual poweroff. After this I attempted to turn it on about 10 times. The first time i tried to turn it on it:
would load to the cpu, fans, and video card, but not the ram.
(1st - 3rd attempts to turn on) I have 2 corsair 512dim ram. They are the ones with the lights up and down the side. At first those lights would not turn on.
eventually the corsair lights would only light up the middle "yellow" one led on the ram chips.
by the time i got to the 10th try NO lights and No fans would turn on.
I believe my motherboard is the fault. Old and overused. The mobo is an ABIT IT7-Max v2.0 I am runnin an intel 3.2
I think its the mobo because when I could load up the computer on tries 1-3, the cpu, fans, and video card worked however the lights on the corsair did not. I believe that when loading on powerup the motherboard loads first the ram, then the CPU then the VideoCard.
Does anyone know how to fix or have an answer to this issue?
If you advise that i get a new motherboard which one should i get?
you can email me at talktoenoch@gmail.com
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/592704.html