lost data recovery

    Date: 03/22/06 (Computer Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi - last night my computer froze and as far as i could tell there was nothing i could do other than push the reset button, a bad idea obviously as now when i try to access my e: drive i get messages saying i need to format it. Fortunately my OS and everything is running off the C drive and I spent many hours playing with the data recovery program findntfs, and this is where my question comes: when i run the program, i can tell i have the right hard drive number, and everything seems to be ok while it is 'searching', but when it comes to the part where it should be running through the names of all the files on the disk, it simply says "Valid cluster KB not found"

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    if anyone could let me know what this means and how to get around it i'd really appreciate it. i'd really love to be able to restore the files as i have both valuable and sentimental things stored. and if i can't get em back well i at least need CLOSURE


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computer_help/604065.html

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