Virus warning

    Date: 04/08/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: virus, antivirus, web

    There's something going around - I assume a worm - that is sending IM's to a user's buddies:

    can I add this pic of us to my profile on facebook or myspace?

    The URL given leads to the file pict32.scr, and once opened it auto-terminates itself. I hear that Norton Antivirus isn't detecting it, and I know that Avast! Antivirus isn't either. Does anyone know of a program that is detecting this or able to remove it?

    BTW - hyperlink on that URL has been changed so that no one accidentally clicks it. I've already contacted Avast!, as well as Is anyone able to tell where url is being forwarded to? Perhaps someone could contact the folks of that webservice.


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