ATTN: Mac-heads . . .

    Date: 04/12/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: google

    First, I'm fully aware of how to use Google and such to find information, but I'd like to know from experts (or at least those "in the know") . . .

    I'm a PC enthusiast and have been an IT professional for the past eight years, but I'll soon be embarking on a new vocational path when I become an assistant pastor for my church. (Un?)fortunately, the church office uses Apple equipment exclusively, and while I could get a PC for my job, it'd probably just be easier to maintain the status quo (plus, I've wanted a Mac to play with for a while, and if the church is paying for it, sign me up.) So, my question . . .

    What are the best sites or books for a Mac noob -- particularly for someone who is rather tech-savvy , like myself -- to visit in order to get started (or a head-start) with Mac use?



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