WMP and album art

    Date: 04/14/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I usually use Windows Media Player 10, and I like to have the album art dislayed, but I have noticed when I have a folder full of MP3's (which will be from one album) and have the hidden file folder.jpg in that folder that the image will show up for some of the MP3's, but then not for others. I was wondering if anyone knew any solution to this, as i'm not really all that fond of the "visualizations" that are on the player. I am running Windows XP home with Service pack 2, and WMP .

    Also some help might be a decent player skin, which includes a playlist. I like the "classic" view the best really, but it lacks a playlist. Other skins lack the ability to use the function bar (for example Alt+F for the "file" menu etc) (this is critical for me, for I use the keyboard mostly when I am dealing with Windows.

    Any help would be appreciated.
    Thank you in advance.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/910123.html

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