Firefox works. (yes, it's a pun)

    Date: 03/04/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: browser, security, microsoft

    How Firefox Works link - click here.

    Below is an excerpt from the page:

          "Chances are, you're reading this article on Internet Explorer. It's the browser that comes already installed on Windows operating systems; most people use Windows, and most Windows users don't give a second thought to which browser they're using. In fact, many people aren't aware that they have an option at all."  


    I seriously wish that Windows (Microsoft) would be more fair and offer users the option to choose the browser they want. I mean, they already sold the customer an Operating System, what possible harm would it be to let users know that they have a choice? Oh, wait. Those security vulnerabilities were put there on purpose so big businesses can exploit them to sell their wares to unwitting users.



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