minor help

    Date: 03/04/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    could anyone help me out...
    i just bought a new Dell XpsGen4 and it comes with Windows
    Media Player 10 and i hate 10

    ok the two things i need help with...

    Can somebody tell me how to roll back WMP 10 to version 9?
    i have both install programs on my computer but i know i did it with
    my old computer... but either i forgot how or i dont know what...
    i tried just installing 9 over 10 and it said it detected the new one...
    and it just exits out of the attempt after that...

    the main reason why i would like to roll back my Media Player is because
    transferring all my music o my new computer, it asks me to go online and
    get the licences for all of the music i have...
    in which...
    a. not all of it is actually licensed music so i dont know how'd they pull THAT off...
    and b. i just wanna play my fuckin music...
    and i have about 6 or 7 Gb worth of music that im NOT re-uploading all of them...
    if anyone knows a way to remedy this... you will be my personal god...

    Thanks in Advance!!!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/620283.html

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