How much memory and hard drive space do I need?

    Date: 04/16/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi! I'm looking into buying a new laptop computer. I am unsure about how big of a hard drive I need. Right now I have a 40gb hard drive (which is full) with an external 300gb hard drive (nowhere near full). I have all my games, itunes, music, a lot of pictures on my external drive. Personally I'm sick of having an external hard drive attached to my laptop. I think all my fun stuff is on my external drive. I want a laptop that I dont have to attach to the wall because really it defeats the purpose (at least for me). The options I have are:
    100 GB 5400 RPM SATA Hard Drive
    100 GB 7200 RPM SATA Hard Drive
    120 GB 5400 RPM SATA Hard Drive
    160 GB 5400 RPM SATA Dual Hard Drive (80 GB x 2)
    200 GB 5400 RPM SATA Dual Hard Drive (100 GB x 2)

    Is 200 just overkill? I have a 40gb iPod and want to keep my music on my laptop as well. I also have several games. I have a 7.0 Megapixel Digital camera and I take a lot of pictures. I also have a lot of programs I want to keep on my laptop (my only computer at the moment). My desktop died and I dont really want to replace it before I get a new laptop.

    Also is 7200rpm really that much better than 5400rpm?

    Also should I get 2.0GB DDR2 SDRAM (2x1024MB), or 1.0GB DDR2 SDRAM (2x512MB) or 1024MB PC4200 DDR2 533MHz SDRAM (1024MBx1)?

    What video card is best?
    Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 950 with 8MB-128MB dynamically allocated shared graphics memory
    NVIDIA® GeForce™ Go 7600 with 128MB discrete graphics memory
    NVIDIA® GeForce™ Go 7600 with 256MB discrete graphics memory
    NVIDIA(R) GeForce(R) Go 7400 with 128MB discrete video memory
    ATI RADEON(R) XPRESS 200M with 128MB dedicated video w/Hypermemory(TM)

    Thank you all so much!


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