Yahoo Messenger/Mac OSX problems

    Date: 04/18/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software, java, web, yahoo, google

    I am on a Mac G4 running OS X 10.3.9, and I'm having troubles with my Yahoo Messenger. I connect to the internet through my work's T1. Yahoo Messenger usually quits after I send a single line of text, if it lets me sign on at all. I've been in contact with Yahoo Customer Care, but I really don't think they actually read the emails I send since their responses don't address my problem. I contacted my company's help desk, wondering if it was a proxy issue (since that had been a problem in the recent past with other software) and he told me that it's been happening to a lot of Mac users and they haven't been able to find a way to work around it. I was hoping someone here has any idea how I can fix this! I use YIM to contact the freelance writers that I work with, so it's not really something I can do without.

    Here's what I've tried:
    *Uninstalling and reinstalling YIM
    *Connecting through Yahoo's java client/web messenger
    *Installing Adium
    *Clearing the Yahoo plist files off my computer, uninstalling YIM and reinstalling
    *Scouring the Yahoo and Mac help sites/knowledge bases as well as several pages of Google search results

    All I can figure out is that I'm not the only this happens to and that it's only my version of OS X and newer.

    Has anyone here been able to fix this, or do you have any ideas of something else I can try?

    Thank you!


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