
    Date: 04/19/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    ok so i have two slight problems...

    well one bigger than the other..

    the first is that my DVD drive in my computer will open a bit and then shut again
    im not sure but does this have anything to do with the fact that my computer model has
    a door in front of the DVD drive and as a precaution it has that mechanism in it?

    my second more pertinent problem is my PS2 stopped working..
    since id like to thik i can fix it if i put my mind to it im gonna try but i need a
    little help...
    my playstation used to not load up the game from the main screen, i took it apart and discovered that
    the game disk may have been sliding over the ring that it sits on and maybe thats why it was not reading
    so i melted a rubberlike substance onto the ring and it made the disk stick and the game work...
    so after about an hour now i come back to playing the game and it wont load anything
    ill run you through the startup sequence:

    disk in
    drawer shut
    load to very first screen where shows game designers (and it takes long on this part)
    and then the main menu where it wont go past

    if anyone has had a similiar problem to this i would GREATLY appreciate any help you can give
    it would keep me from buying a whole new PS2 so close to the release of PS3 and i dont wanna do that

    Thanks in advance!!


« :: linux question :: || NERO, BURNING CDS, NO SOUND... »

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