Date: 04/20/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software

    Hello. I tried searching on this topic first before I asked but found nothing. I bought a cd-rw drive(comp usa brand) and it came with Nero Express. I am trying to basically back up my precious mp3 files on cd media. My first 3 burns with 600 or 700 mb on each cd play no sound on cd walkman, home stereo, xbox and car stereo. Also, they are difficult to work with trying to playback on computer; they crash computer. Is it the software, the burner or just the cd media I am using(memorex brand and tdk brands) that is the problem? Each file I am burning is a 100 to 150 mb mp3 file. I also burned a 6 file cd with iTunes, which was more convenient, but still had the same difficulties. Thank you.


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