Website design...

    Date: 05/03/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: html, web

    Hey guys, I'm new here, and I've got a question about web design / building a website.

    My church wants to have a website (a fairly interactive one), and I'm trying to find an inexpensive web designer, or a program that would let me or someone else design a good-looking site for a reasonable price.

    Someone called my pastor, and said that she could make a site with Front Page for free. This is a sample of her work, and I'm not that impressed. I don't want our website to fall into the catgegory of 'typical church websites'... I want it to look nice, and I want people to enjoy it.

    Can anyone recommend a program / web designer? I've been looking at Dreamweaver. How long would it take me to be able to make a site with that (I have a bit of HTML knowledge, and it mostly comes from manipulating someone else's coding)? I'm quite taken with this site (it's a template). How difficult would it be for me to make a design similar to that with Dreamweaver? How hard would it be to 'update' a template like that with new information / blogs? Would I need Dreamweaver to do that?

    I apologize for all of my questions... I'm just praying that our church site won't look... cheesy. Any help would be extremely appreciated. If this post isn't permitted, I'll gladly delete it. :)


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