Spyware issue.
Date: 05/30/06
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: virus, spyware
I currently have extremely large amounts of spyware on my laptop at the minute.
Nearly every thirty seconds, this pops up.

When I click it, it directs me to SpyFalcon.
Which is just a pain in the ass, and has slowed my computer down.
My laptop has ultimately no protection from viruses, spyware, adware, etc.
And it's been fine for well over a year--until now.
So I downloaded Ad-Aware SE--because I was told it was free, and worked pretty well.
However, it did nothing.
ARE there any free reliable programs that can be downloaded to remove this, as well as other possible threats I'll have in the future. Also, if I end up purchasing a program, what is the best choice?
I appreciate any help given.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/928807.html