Computer shutting down problem.

    Date: 06/03/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Alright, Thursday night here was a thunderstorm. To keep things short, we decided to shut down the computers after we hear this huge crack/splitting of electricity. We lost power for two seconds and it came back on. But we lost cable, and the internet.

    Yesterday I came to find that even though the cable came back, the internet did not. Our internet is not tied with our cable, of course, but I took the time to try and figure out what went wrong. I hooked my father's computer directly to the modem and not through our router and found the internet never was lost. Out of our 5 computers, none could get on the internet! So what I found out is that the same huge crack/split of lightning that killed our cable also fried our router. This I know because we couldn't even access the router page over at

    Father and I then went out to CompUSA and bought a new router. I hooked that up yesterday and the internet was working fine to all the computers. =] But that is only half the problem.

    One of the computers in the office is having a problem. I think it got fried. The computer light is always on, and it won't. Turn. Off. Unless I unhook the power cord from the back. I can sit there and press and hold the power button but it will not turn off. The monitor also stays on standby because when I move the mouse to wake up the computer, it won't wake up. Any ideas what can be wrong? My dad doesn't want to buy another new computer, he did that two weeks ago because he just bought himself a brand new one. If there is anything that I can look at/replace in the computer, it would be great. =]

    I should probably add that NumLock on the keyboard will turn on and off, and the CD drive of the computer will not open.


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