macbook ram

    Date: 06/01/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: asp

    So I just got this new MacBook, and 512mb ram is killing me. I wanted to upgrade to 2gb, so I went on Newegg to look for deals on the particular RAM that Apple uses on the MacBook (pc2-5300 ddr2 sodimms) and I found this crazy cheap 1gb stick from OCZ (

    But...what is PC2-5400? I mean, I don't really pay much attention to these things, all the less cause I'm not in any need to build a new computer right now, but I didn't even know that you can get DDR2 667 stuff in both PC2-5300 and 5400, is there something I'm totally missing?

    I'll probably be fine getting that stick of RAM, right? I don't really care too much about returning them if they don't work. I just want to buy it right now...that RAM is roughly half of what Kingston or Crucial's charging ($140-190 oh god) and it's the same price as the generic stuff and OCZ tends to be a hell of a lot more reliable for me over the cheap noname brands :P

    Also, if anyone could point me in the direction of cheap 7200rpm SATA laptop drives, that would rock. The best I can find is a 100gb 7200rpm drive for $150-180. :(


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