Blocking internet services

    Date: 06/07/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: linux

    I need some help. In short, I need to know how to stop selected internet services (HTTP, AIM, BT), but still allow traffic to and from it's connected server.

    About a year ago I set up a Linux box at my moms office. They needed basically a print server. They had issues on Windows with people using the net for things they shouldn't be doing at work. So I basically said "I'll show them..." and it worked. Now, they need to use the machine to use a program to manage their work orders. I'm going to install Windows 98 or XP depending on the responses written.

    Ideally I'm looking for a packet shaping program that I can set up as an administrator to block the services mentioned above so while they're logged in, they can't use them. I know this can be done with some hardware and the DD-WRT firmware and the like, but I'm looking for a cheap solution. Its a small housing authority. Thanks


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