1394 Spec / length

    Date: 07/25/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Every single piece of literature I've read, specify 1394A as being rated for 4.5 meters, and the main systems we build (High End Avid Systems) rate tolerance at 14.76 feet. However, we have a client that has several runs of over 30ft with no problems. No repeaters, no Distribution Amplifiers. Plain and simple: 6 pin from a deck to a 6 pin input on a PC (or in some cases, a 4 pin) with no problems. In fact, we even introduced a passive switcher after the deck, which adds at least 6 feet of cable, with no issues.

    Since the extra 2 pins on a 6 pin 1394 cable are NOT used to amplify a signal, only to power a device on the other end, how is a 30 ft run possible? I completely understand manufacturers conservative estimates to protect themselves, but TWICE the MAX length seems a bit far fetched.

    Anyone have any documentation to prove what's happening is legit and not just a random act of Geek Gods?


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/954263.html

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