WordPress PHP Coder?

    Date: 07/26/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: database

    Anyone here skilled at hacking WordPress?

    I need to find someone who can re-code the signup page to a WordPress site to include the collection of additional data and then insert it into the database. I have installed the two plug-ins that extend the metadata and create new user fields. So it's just a case of re-coding the registration page with new fields and doing the inserts after the account is created. The goal is to have individuals who wish to enter a contest do it by signing up for a wordpress blog - the extra fields will be for the contest, and then they'll be both in the database as well as signed up for blog updates (as part of the contest).

    Anyone have the skills? If so, how long do you expect it would take, and what can I bribe you with?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/954652.html

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