MP3 problems! :(

    Date: 08/29/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: google

    I've roamed the internet for answers, but just come up with MORE questions about fixing MP3 players, that don't even have to DO with my question!

    I have currently acquired a "Curtis MP510" MP3 player from my sister who received an iPod.

    The problem is, when I try to play it while NOT plugged into the USB port, it does nothing. Supposedly plugging it into the USB port will charge the battery... So I'm not sure if I should bother getting more batteries, only to have no use for them if that isn't the issue (I have no use for AAA batteries... who does? :/)

    The manual I found online (she didn't give me anything aside from the player itself) said to try and unlock it before trying to turn it on... no go.

    I've googled my little heart out, and now would like some help from OMG HUMANZ!

    :) Thanks in advance, if you can lend a hand.


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