passing domain info across VLANs

    Date: 08/30/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords


    I've got a network that is split into a dozen or so VLANs. I'm having some trouble with a few things I wanted to run by you. I've got an X-Serve that is doing Open Directory and Samba stuff on VLAN 1. It is serving as domain controller that windows machines can bind themselves to. However, machines in a VLAN besides 1 can't see the DC. They can't join the domain, can't change passwords, etc. This seems to be specific to MS workstations, but I couldn't swear that Macs don't have the same issue. Anyway, how is such domain info spread across the VLAN's? Is this a DHCP function or a DNS thing? Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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