SATA Hard Drive

    Date: 09/05/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Does anyone have any experience with setting up SATA hard drive?
    Yesterday. I was trying to a new hard drive in a new machine (Asus motherboard with a p4 intel 775 3.0ghz) I have two hard drives, one which is getting blue screen of death (in acceable boot device) which is a EIDE ata 100 Western digital 80gh hard drive set up as a slave. I was trying to set up the SATA Western digital as the master drive. After some configeration issues I finally got the computer to see the drive. However, the computer sees the drive as a raid, I ran the western digital lifeguard cd to set it up and didn't help. So it doesn't see a master drive. I tried taking out the other primary slave drive (the bad EIDE) and that didn't help.
    Then I tried to change the setting in bios to native mode and that messed up the bios so I had to reset the cmos battery, which got it back to its orginal state. However when I try to run the win2k boot disk it came up with ntldr could not be found error when I try to install windows on the hard drive because it alteast see it.
    I know these disk work because they have worked in other computers.

    Does anyone know how I can get the motherboard to see this drive as the master and install windows on it? I have tried looking this up, with not much sucess.

    Thanks crossposted


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